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Best Time to Drink Green Tea for Health & Wellness

by | Nov 16, 2020 | Green Tea, Loose Leaf Tea, Wellness | 14 comments

when to drink green tea

Research has shown that drinking green tea can be very beneficial for health.  When talking about the health benefits of green tea, many people wonder if there is a “best time to drink green tea”. 

Though there isn’t such a thing as the best or right time to drink green tea, consuming it during certain periods throughout the day gives us a chance to enjoy more of its multiple health benefits. Some people drink green tea in order to lose weight while others simply take it because of its antioxidants and other health benefits.

Green tea, compared to other teas contains the highest amounts of flavonoids, called catechins. Catechins are essentially antioxidants that are responsible for the wide range of its health benefits.

Some among the health benefits of drinking green tea are lowering the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases; improving mental concentration, reduces cholesterol aiding weight loss; Also, it can be a great relief from stress and anxiety.

As for the best time to drink green tea, here are some recommendations based on various research findings.

The Best Time to Drink Green Tea for Optimal Health Benefits

  • After breakfast
  • An hour between and after meals
  • Before exercise
  • Two hours before bedtime
  • 2-3 cups a day for general health & wellness

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Drink Green Tea in the Morning for Concentration

Unless you are having your green tea on an empty stomach, morning is one of the best times to drink green tea and reap the plethora of its benefits.

Green tea contains caffeine and an amino acid L-theanine, both of which can improve focus and concentration.

You might say, “Yeah, but I like my morning coffee and it has the same effect.”

Well, not quite.

Coffee might contain higher amounts of caffeine, which offers a quick spike in energy followed by a sudden drop. On the other hand, the combination of L-Theanine and caffeine in green tea makes the caffeine release much slower. Also, it doesn’t give you the jitters that coffee does.

It takes approximately 6-8 hours for the green tea to be fully absorbed into the bloodstream. Then it translates into an uninterrupted flow of energy and high concentration needed during work or study hours.

best time to drink green tea

Drink Green Tea for Weight Loss

Green Tea Before and After Meals

Green tea is rich in flavonoids and tannins, which are plant-based antioxidants. Together with caffeine, they inhibit fat absorption in the blood and carbohydrate digestion.

When we drink a cup of strong green tea after “heavy” meals rich in carbs and fat, the caffeine and tannins act as an obstruction.

However, in order not to inhibit nutrient absorption and interfere with gastric juices that might result in improper digestion, it is advised to have green tea about 30-45 minutes after a meal. Individuals who are anemic should avoid having green tea at mealtime. The prolonged inhibition of nutrient absorption, such as iron, could have adverse effects on their health.

Green Tea In Between Meals to Cut on Mindless Snacking

Snacking on comfort foods in between meals can leave you mindlessly consuming calories.

Drinking green tea between meals can help to suppress appetite and therefore the need to snack between meals.

Imagine how many calories would you be cutting down if you replaced snacks with green tea, which has zero calories. 

Drinking Green Tea Before Exercise to Burn Fat

Drinking green tea alone can’t help you lose weight.

As green tea contains caffeine, drinking it 30-45 minutes before exercise can increase your energy level; help you stay focused during exercise, and therefore make your workouts last longer. In this way, combining green tea and adequate exercise can lead to burning more fat during exercise.

Drinking green tea before exercise shows an increased fat-burning rate during exercise.

Also, studies have shown that drinking green tea before exercise reduces muscle damage. Also, it has a positive effect on muscle recovery after strenuous exercise.

On the other hand, drinking green tea after exercise has its benefits too. Being rich in nutrients, drinking green tea after a workout helps you refresh quickly.

Related Reads:

Green Tea Health Benefits: Why Drink Green Tea

8 Best Green Teas for People Who Don’t Like Green Tea

Green Tea in the Evening for Calm & Relaxation

Though green tea helps to relax, it also contains caffeine. Consuming it right before bedtime excites the brain, might keep you up the whole night, and thus cause sleep deprivation.  

Drinking green tea in the evening, 2-3 hours before going to bed stimulates calm and relaxation and can help you fall asleep easily.

L-theanine is an amino acid that is found in tea leaves, which soothes the mind.

It promotes body relaxation and facilitates sleep by boosting chemicals that help to calm the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine.

Furthermore, Ltheanine can help foster a state of calmness and attentive wakefulness. This is exactly the state of mind one experiences while meditating or being in a creative mood.

Detoxify the Body for Optimal Health

We know that green tea is packed with antioxidants that can help detoxify the body of accumulated free radicals.

To reap the full benefits of the antioxidants in green tea for cleansing the body and promoting wellness we should be consuming green tea regularly on a daily basis, about 2-3 cups a day.

When Not to Drink Green Tea

As we already established, there isn’t a “best time” to drink green tea. However, there is a “worst time” when drinking green tea should be avoided, as it might be contra-effective to our health.

As a general rule, one should avoid drinking green tea on an empty stomach, early in the mornings as it could trigger negative effects.  The high content of catechins could cause an upset stomach and even damage the liver if consumed long-term in high doses.

Green tea contains caffeine.  If you drink it on an empty stomach, it could stimulate the release of gastric acid which could lead to dehydration and upset stomach.

To avoid any adverse effects, it is better to have a few cups of water first, instead of tea. 

I sometimes drink green tea on an empty stomach as part of my morning detox ritual. Though I avoid steeping it for too long. For my morning routine, I usually choose some of the lighter varieties, such as the Dragon Well, and steep it only for about a minute before drinking it.

Avoid Drinking Green Tea if You are Taking Medicines

Also, if you are taking medicines you should consult your doctor first, as green tea might interfere with certain medicines.

When to Drink Green Tea According to Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM)

Traditional Chinese medicine classifies teas as hot and cool. Black tea undergoes fermentation, it is fully oxidized, and it is considered to have a warming influence on the body, suitable for autumn and winter seasons. Green tea, on the other hand, is minimally processed and is therefore considered to have a cooling effect on the body.

That’s why Chinese people drink green tea only in spring and summer.

Also, according to TCM, if there is too much heat or inflammation in the body, the cooling effects that result from drinking green tea can negate the heat. The opposite is also true.

TeaVivre Authentic Chinese Teas

Would You Like to Get Green Tea Directly from China?

During the past 13 years I’ve spent in China, I’ve met people who own tea plantations and I  order my tea from them directly. 

While living in China, I  learned that if you want to get a good quality tea, you’d better get it through the seller directly. Chinese people seldom buy their tea online. 

If you’d like to try a good quality tea directly from China, get in touch with me and I can help you place an order through the tea farmers I usually buy tea from. 

Read Next:

How to Drink Green Tea for Weight Loss

Oolong Tea Benefits: In Between Green and Black Tea 

best time to drink green tea
when to drink green tea

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Written by Kat

Welcome to “The Hobbit Hold,” where we delve into the enchanting world of comfort, wellness, and the art of slow living inspired by the cozy charm of Hobbiton. In this blog, we’ll explore how to create a sanctuary of peace and tranquility within your own home, nurturing both body and soul through simple pleasures and mindful living.

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  1. Kat

    When do you prefer to drink your green tea?

  2. Jonathan

    Perfect timing. I just started drinking tea. I didn’t like the after effect coffee would give me after a few hours. Tea has given me the energy I need minus the drop like coffee. Thanks!

    • Kat

      Glad to hear that you switched to green tea. I started drinking tea for the same reasons. Also, morning coffee caused my stomach to feel upset. I am really happy with the transition to green tea, hope you’ll start to feel the benefits soon.

  3. Daphne

    I love this post- even included a link on my blog post about productivity – green tea is so important in my life!

    • Kat

      Glad to hear that Daphne, thank you. I hope you will benefit from drinking green tea as I did.

  4. Dane Asmone

    Woah didn’t know all these interesting facts about the benefits of drinking green tea .. a great source of antioxidants ! Made me consider adding a cup of green tea into my diet after reading this !

  5. Christine

    Great information! I definitely need to increase my tea consumption! Thanks for the info!

  6. Crystal Statskey

    I drink black or green tea every morning with breakfast. So this was super informative. Thanks for sharing!

  7. CrazyFitnessGuy

    I have never tried green tea before but I am interested in trying it

  8. Briana | Next Destination Unknown

    I’ve always loved tea and knew that green tea has health benefits but had no idea that there are specific times to drink green tea for optimum results. I’ll have to keep these times in mind going forward to get the most out of green tea. Thanks for the info!

  9. GF Veg

    Thank you for this informative article on the benefits of drinking green tea. Although I’ve heard about a few of these benefits, some of them are new to me. I also hadn’t thought about the importance of timing it properly. I love learning new things about health and wellness!

  10. thebalancedceo

    My husband drinks green tea in the morning and I like to drink it before meals. I didn’t know all these benefits. Great read!

  11. Dr. Elise Ho

    There indeed are many times to drink green tea. I love it in every form. However, like you, if I drink on an empty stomach it is never a strong brew.

  12. Jessica

    Thank you for your article. Well done;)



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